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25 Feb 2014

Topaz Labs Dejpeg Full Serial Number

Topaz DeJPEG adalah cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan kualitas gambar JPEG dengan menghilangkan artefak JPEG, ketidakjelasan, dan gambar kabur. Alat-alat yang intuitif tapi kuat di Topaz DeJPEG memastikan bahwa setiap gambar JPEG terlihat sebagus mungkin.

Gunakan Terbaik di JPEG Enhancement Technology : 
Topaz DeJPEG adalah yang pertama dari jenisnya untuk menggunakan algoritma optimal untuk efisien menghapus JPEG kompresi artefak sambil menjaga detail gambar . Ini memberikan gambar yang tak tertandingi fitur tambahan dan menggabungkan mereka dengan kemampuan pengenalan artefak kuat - memberikan Anda kontrol tertinggi atas kualitas gambar JPEG Anda . Topaz DeJPEG v3.0 menawarkan fitur baru yang unik termasuk kecepatan cepat pengolahan, alat penindasan kebisingan , pelestarian detail yang luar biasa , dan beberapa tampilan warna yang bekerja sama untuk membuat gambar JPEG Anda tampak hebat . 

Memperjelas Asli Detil and Preserve Gambar Integritas : 
algoritma yang mendasari DeJPEG yang meneliti seluruh gambar dan menghilangkan semua artefak sambil menjaga detail dan meningkatkan kualitas alam gambar itu . Topaz DeJPEG dirancang khusus untuk menargetkan semua aspek kualitas JPEG termasuk ketajaman , kebisingan , dan integritas warna . Alat-alat canggih di Topaz DeJPEG memastikan bahwa setiap gambar JPEG diproses tampak jelas , bersih , dan segar .

Pertajam Tepi Warna :
DeJPEG bekerja untuk melawan yang tidak diinginkan " pendarahan " dan warna kehilangan informasi yang terjadi bahkan dalam gambar JPEG kualitas tinggi sebagai akibat dari proses kompresi . Karena keterbatasan dalam penyimpanan dan bandwidth yang menyertai JPEG , kualitas warna gambar sering hilang . Dengan revolusioner mengasah warna dan alat restorasi tepi , Topaz DeJPEG sebenarnya merekonstruksi melunak tepi warna , membawa keluar rincian gambar yang sebelumnya tak terlihat , meningkatkan yang sudah ada dengan kualitas optimal , dan mengembalikan ketajaman untuk tepi berkurang . Hal ini sangat berguna dalam banyak tugas seperti Photoshop masking , tetapi juga membuat gambar terlihat jauh lebih bersih pada umumnya.

ScreenShot :

Rincian tambahan :

16 - bit Dukungan
Topaz DeJPEG mendukung 8 - bit dan mode warna RGB 16 - bit .

PS CS4 Kompatibel
Topaz DeJPEG sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan Photoshop versi terbaru pada kedua Mac dan Windows. Topaz DeJPEG juga sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan Windows 64 -bit Photoshop CS5 .

Filter Pandai
Topaz DeJPEG adalah filter cerdas dan mendukung pengeditan non - destruktif dengan menggunakan Photoshop benda pintar .

Multi-core Dioptimalkan
Topaz DeJPEG benar-benar dioptimalkan untuk komputer dengan beberapa CPU untuk proses lebih cepat .

Persyaratan Sistem untuk Windows & Mac :
jendela :

Windows XP, Windows Vista , atau Windows 7 ( 32-bit dan 64-bit )
Adobe Photoshop 7 hingga CS5 , Adobe Photoshop Elements 1-8 , atau editor lain yang mendukung Photoshop plug-in . Ini termasuk : Irfanview , PaintShop Pro , dll
Mac :

Intel berbasis Mac OS 10,4-10,6 . Prosesor PowerPC G4 atau G5 seperti tidak didukung .
Adobe Photoshop CS3 - CS5 , Adobe Photoshop Elements 6-8 . Apple Aperture 2 , Lightroom untuk Mac , dan iPhoto sekarang didukung .

Bila sobat berminat Untuk mencobanya Silahkan Download Plugin Tersebut Dibawah ini :

Free Download Topaz Labs DeJPEG Full Serian Number 
Via Indowebster

Semoga Bermanfaat.
Additional Details:
  • 16-bit Support
    Topaz DeJPEG supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.

  • PS CS4 Compatible
    Topaz DeJPEG is fully compatible with the latest Photoshop versions on both Mac and Windows. Topaz DeJPEG is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS5.

  • Smart Filter
    Topaz DeJPEG is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.

  • Multi-core Optimized
    Topaz DeJPEG is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.
- See more at:
Additional Details:
  • 16-bit Support
    Topaz DeJPEG supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.

  • PS CS4 Compatible
    Topaz DeJPEG is fully compatible with the latest Photoshop versions on both Mac and Windows. Topaz DeJPEG is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS5.

  • Smart Filter
    Topaz DeJPEG is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.

  • Multi-core Optimized
    Topaz DeJPEG is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.

System Requirements for Windows & Mac:


  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop 7 through CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 1-8, or another editor that supports Photoshop plug-ins. These include: Irfanview, PaintShop Pro, etc.

  • Intel-based Mac OS 10.4-10.6. PowerPC processors like G4 or G5 are not supported.
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3-CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6-8. Apple Aperture 2, Lightroom for Mac, and iPhoto now supported.
- See more at:
Additional Details:
  • 16-bit Support
    Topaz DeJPEG supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.

  • PS CS4 Compatible
    Topaz DeJPEG is fully compatible with the latest Photoshop versions on both Mac and Windows. Topaz DeJPEG is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS5.

  • Smart Filter
    Topaz DeJPEG is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.

  • Multi-core Optimized
    Topaz DeJPEG is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.

System Requirements for Windows & Mac:


  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop 7 through CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 1-8, or another editor that supports Photoshop plug-ins. These include: Irfanview, PaintShop Pro, etc.

  • Intel-based Mac OS 10.4-10.6. PowerPC processors like G4 or G5 are not supported.
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3-CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6-8. Apple Aperture 2, Lightroom for Mac, and iPhoto now supported.
- See more at:
Additional Details:
  • 16-bit Support
    Topaz DeJPEG supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.

  • PS CS4 Compatible
    Topaz DeJPEG is fully compatible with the latest Photoshop versions on both Mac and Windows. Topaz DeJPEG is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS5.

  • Smart Filter
    Topaz DeJPEG is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.

  • Multi-core Optimized
    Topaz DeJPEG is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.

System Requirements for Windows & Mac:


  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop 7 through CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 1-8, or another editor that supports Photoshop plug-ins. These include: Irfanview, PaintShop Pro, etc.
  • Intel-based Mac OS 10.4-10.6. PowerPC processors like G4 or G5 are not supported.
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3-CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6-8. Apple Aperture 2, Lightroom for Mac, and iPhoto now supported.
- See more at:
Additional Details:
  • 16-bit Support
    Topaz DeJPEG supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.

  • PS CS4 Compatible
    Topaz DeJPEG is fully compatible with the latest Photoshop versions on both Mac and Windows. Topaz DeJPEG is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS5.

  • Smart Filter
    Topaz DeJPEG is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.

  • Multi-core Optimized
    Topaz DeJPEG is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.

System Requirements for Windows & Mac:


  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop 7 through CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 1-8, or another editor that supports Photoshop plug-ins. These include: Irfanview, PaintShop Pro, etc.

  • Intel-based Mac OS 10.4-10.6. PowerPC processors like G4 or G5 are not supported.
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3-CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6-8. Apple Aperture 2, Lightroom for Mac, and iPhoto now supported.
- See more at:
Additional Details:
  • 16-bit Support
    Topaz DeJPEG supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.

  • PS CS4 Compatible
    Topaz DeJPEG is fully compatible with the latest Photoshop versions on both Mac and Windows. Topaz DeJPEG is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS5.

  • Smart Filter
    Topaz DeJPEG is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.

  • Multi-core Optimized
    Topaz DeJPEG is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.

System Requirements for Windows & Mac:


  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop 7 through CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 1-8, or another editor that supports Photoshop plug-ins. These include: Irfanview, PaintShop Pro, etc.

  • Intel-based Mac OS 10.4-10.6. PowerPC processors like G4 or G5 are not supported.
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3-CS5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6-8. Apple Aperture 2, Lightroom for Mac, and iPhoto now supported.
- See more at:

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